Daily News 22-June-2022

Gaps in Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework GS Paper – 3 Environmental Pollution & Degradation, Government Policies & Interventions, International Treaties & Agreements, Important International Institutions. Why in the news? According to a group of environmental scientists, ecologists, and policy specialists, the draught of the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework does not account for the entirety of chemical pollutants that threaten ecosystems worldwide. What are the Framework’s Gaps? Chemical Pollutants: The draught agreement falls short by confining itself to nutrients, pesticides, and plastics, leaving excluded many compounds of great concern and importance, such as persistent and hazardous pollutants like mercury and PFAS (per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances), as well as pharmaceuticals. LNPP Inside Protected Areas: At the moment, LNPP (area where natural processes predominate) comprises approximately 56 percent of terrestrial land, excluding permanent ice and rock. However, just 20% of this land is legally protected. This indicates that, excluding permanent ice and rock, LNPP covers only 11% of the world’s land inside protected zones. The group believes that this is a problem because the post-2020 framework calls for at least 30% of land to be conserved by 2030. LNPP refers to land with little human disturbance and/or ecologically intact vegetation, which provides room and habitat for biodiversity to thrive. What exactly is the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework? About: It is a new framework that will guide global initiatives to preserve and maintain nature and its important services to humanity through 2030. It seeks to elicit immediate and transformative action from governments and all sectors of society in order to contribute to the goals of the Convention on Biological Diversity, its Protocols, and other global biodiversity agreements, procedures, and instruments. The framework is based on a philosophy of change that emphasises the need for immediate policy action at the global, regional, and national levels to reform economic, social, and financial models. Goals and objectives: Four objectives must be met by 2050: To halt biodiversity extinction and decline. By conserving, we can improve and maintain nature’s services to humanity. To ensure that all people benefit fairly and equally from the exploitation of genetic resources. To bridge the gap between existing financial and other implementation resources and those required to accomplish the 2050 Vision. 2030 Action Targets: The framework comprises 21 action-oriented targets for urgent action over the next decade, including: To include at least 30% of the world’s land and sea in protected zones. A 50% reduction in the rate of invasive alien species introduction, as well as controls or elimination of such species to remove or reduce their impacts. Reducing nutrient loss to the environment by at least half, pesticides by at least two-thirds, and plastic trash discharge by at least half. Nature-based contributions to global climate change mitigation efforts of at least 10 GtCO2e (gigatonnes of equivalent carbon dioxide) per year, with no detrimental impacts on biodiversity. Redirecting, reusing, modifying, or eliminating damaging to biodiversity incentives in a reasonable and equitable manner, with a reduction of at least USD 500 billion per year. What are the suggestions? A broader range of chemical contaminants must be targeted for policies and actions to be implemented under the post-2020 global biodiversity framework. Countries from all around the world have decided to form an intergovernmental science-policy panel on chemicals and waste in order to combine existing information and inform policymakers. Chemical contaminants prevalent in every ecosystem on the planet, including distant Arctic, Antarctic, and Himalayan ecosystems, should drive new biodiversity framework negotiators to include these as threats to global biodiversity. Protecting biodiversity is critical for food supply; there should be a net gain of at least 5% in the area, connectedness, and integrity of natural systems by 2030 and 15% by 2050 to support healthy and resilient populations of all species. Changing diets, raising crop and livestock productivity, and limiting agricultural land expansion would all contribute to meeting global biodiversity, food security, and climate mitigation targets by 2050. What is the Biological Diversity Convention? Since 1993, the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) has been in existence as a legally enforceable convention to conserve biodiversity. It has three key goals: Biological diversity preservation. The long-term utilisation of biological diversity components. The equal and fair distribution of the advantages derived from the use of genetic resources. It has been ratified by nearly all countries (notably, the US has signed but not ratified). The CBD Secretariat is headquartered in Montreal, Canada, and is run by the United Nations Environment Programme. The Parties (Countries) to the Convention on Biodiversity (CBD) convene on a regular basis, and these gatherings are known as Conferences of Parties (COP). The Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety, a supplementary agreement to the Convention, was adopted in 2000. It went into effect on September 11, 2003. The Protocol aims to conserve biological variety from the threats posed by live changed organisms as a result of modern biotechnology. The Nagoya Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources and the Fair and Equitable Sharing of Benefits Resulting from Their Utilization (ABS) was adopted at the COP10 meeting in Nagoya, Japan in 2010. It went into effect on October 12, 2014. It applies not only to CBD-covered genetic resources and the benefits derived from their use, but also to traditional knowledge (TK) linked with CBD-covered genetic resources and the benefits derived from their use. Along with the Nagoya Protocol on Genetic Resources, the COP-10 created a ten-year framework for all countries to take action to conserve biodiversity. Officially titled as the “Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020,” it established a set of 20 ambitious yet feasible biodiversity targets known as the Aichi Targets. In order to give effect to the CBD rules, India established the Biological Diversity Act in 2002.

Daily News 21-June-2022

Table of Contents: GS Paper 2: 1. India gives emergency visas for 111 Afghan Hindus, Sikhs 2. Election Commission wants people to run from one seat 3. India and Bangladesh should work on river management 4. What west Seti Power Project can mean for India-Nepal ties GS Paper 3: 1. Major outcomes achieved at WTO 2. A major revamp for Bank Board Bureau GS Paper 4: 1. Mahodiya, the location of the Panchayat Series, real and reel life are not that far apart. Facts for Prelims: 1. Rukmini Krishna Yatra 2. Juneteenth 3. Kausani (Uttrakhand) 4. Chess Olympiad Games 5. Bad Banks 6. Surety Bond 7. Black Swan Event 8. Operation Sankalp India gives emergency visas for 111 Afghan Hindus, Sikhs GS Paper 2 Syllabus: Effect of policies and politics of developed and developing countries on India, protection of people. Context: The Union Home Ministry granted emergency visas to 111 Hindus and Sikhs from Afghanistan, hours after Saturday’s terror attack at a gurdwara in Kabul. All had applied for visas in September 2021, but the applications were cleared only after the Islamic State in Khorasan Province (ISKP), a terrorist group, attacked the gurdwara. e-emergency X-Misc Visa To facilitate and fast-track urgent applications for entry to India. e-Emergency X-Misc Visa is granted to foreigners who are not covered in the available categories of visa but need to visit India urgently due to a family emergency. Such a single-entry visa is issued by Indian Missions/Posts for an appropriate period of time. The facility is available to all Afghans irrespective of their religion. The (initial) validity of this visa would be six months. Insta Links What is an electronic visa (e-visa)? Click here Practice Questions: Q. The e-visa system is an innovation introduced by the government in 2014. Discuss the process and current status of e-visas. Q. Consider the following statements: The visas are granted by the Ministry of External Affairs(GOI). e- Emergency X-Misc Visa is available to Afghan Sikhs and Hindus only. Which of the statements given above is/are correct: a. 1 only b. 2 only c. Both 1 and 2 d. Neither 1 nor 2 Ans: (d)June 20, 2022 /20 June CA, Today Article Election Commission wants people to run from one seat GS Paper 2 Syllabus: Appointment to various constitutional posts, powers, functions and responsibilities of various constitutional bodies. Context: The Election Commission has made a fresh push for amending the law to bar people from contesting more than one seat. It said that if it cannot be done, then a hefty fine should be imposed on those vacating one of the constituencies and forcing a bypoll. The Legislative Department is the nodal agency in the government to deal with issues related to the EC. Background: As per Section 33(7) of the RPA (Representation of the People Act), 1951, one candidate can contest from a maximum of two constituencies. Issues: One-Act Negates another: Since no Candidate can represent two Constituencies, the idea of this system appears to be illogical and ironic. By-election Strains Public Exchequer: After sacrificing one of the Constituencies, a by-election is automatically triggered immediately after the general election. Voters Lose Interest: Repeated elections are not only unnecessary and costly, but they will also cause voters to lose interest in the electoral process. Recommendations of the Election Commission: The Election Commission recommended amending Section 33(7) to allow one candidate to contest from only one seat. It has done so in 2004, 2010, 2016 and 2018. A system should be devised wherein if a candidate contested from two constituencies and won both, then he or she would bear the financial burden of conducting the subsequent by-election in one of the constituencies. Election Laws (amendment) Act 2021 De-Duplication of Electoral Roll: It provides for amendment of section 23 of the Representation of People’s Act, 1950, enabling the linking of electoral roll data with the Aadhaar ecosystem. This aims to curb the menace of multiple enrolments of the same person in different places. This will help in stopping bogus voting and fraudulent votes. This linking is in consonance with the 105th report of the Department Related Parliamentary Standing Committee on Personnel, Public Grievances and Law and Justice. Multiple Qualifying Dates: The citizens get voting rights when they turn 18. However, many are left out of the electoral rolls even after turning 18. This is because, in the system, 1st January is the qualifying date. Four qualifying dates will be declared for updating the voting rolls to include those who have turned 18 — the first day of the months of January, April, July and October. Bringing Gender Neutrality: The language for registration of ‘wives of service voters’ will now be replaced by ‘spouse’. This will make the laws more “gender-neutral”. Service voters are those serving in the armed forces, armed police forces of a state serving outside it and government employees posted outside India. Insta Links: To read RPA 1951: Click here Practice Questions:   Q. Critically analyze the provisions of the Election Law(Amendment) Act, 2021. (10M) Q. With reference to Election Laws(Amendment) Act, 2021, consider the following statements: The language for “wives of service voters” will be replaced by the spouse. There will be four qualifying dates for updating voter rolls which include the first day of months of January, March, June and October. Which of the statements given above is/are correct? a. 1 only b. 2 only c. Both 1 and 2 d. Neither 1 nor 2 Ans: (a)June 20, 2022 /20 June CA, Today Article India and Bangladesh should work on river management GS Paper 2 Syllabus: India and neighbourhood- relations Context: At the seventh round of the India-Bangladesh Joint Consultative Commission, External Affairs Minister extended India’s assistance in the management of the annual flood in Bangladesh. Collaborations agreed on: Artificial Intelligence, startups, fintech and cybersecurity. Joint Statement: Two countries remain focused on the “importance of safe, speedy, and sustainable return of forcibly displaced persons from Rakhine State Myanmar, currently being sheltered by Bangladesh”. Reasons for recent floods in Bangladesh: Climate Change Skewed Rainfall Pattern:80% of the precipitation takes place in the monsoon months from June to September Trans-National Rivers from India example: Bharmaputra, Teesta etc. Unplanned Development Insta Links To read about

Daily News 20-June-2022

WEB 5.0 GS Paper – 3 IT & Computers Why in the news? Former Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey has revealed his concept for a new decentralised web platform called Web 5.0, which aims to give individuals “control over data and identity.” It is being developed by The Block Head, a Bitcoin business unit founded by former Twitter CEO Evan Williams. The World Wide Web (WWW) is the major tool that billions of people use to interact with one another as well as read and write information. From Web 1.0 to Web 5.0, there has been evolution. What are the Key Features of Different Web Versions? The initial iteration of the worldwide digital communications network is known as Web 1.0. It is frequently referred to as the “read-only” Internet since it is comprised of static web pages that only allow for passive involvement. Web 2.0, The “read and write” Internet was the next stage in the growth of the web. Users may now communicate with servers and other users, birthing the social web. This is the internet as we know it today. Web 3.0 is a developing phrase that refers to the next generation of the Internet – a “read-write-execute” web built on decentralisation. It refers to a digital world constructed on blockchain technology, in which people can connect with one another without the necessity for a middleman. It will be powered by Artificial Intelligence and machine learning, which will allow machines to comprehend information in the same way that humans do. Web 5.0: It is still in its early stages, as it is being developed by Dorsey’s Bitcoin business subsidiary, The Block Head (TBH). Web 5.0 aims to “create an additional decentralised web that puts one in control of one’s data and identity.” Web 5.0 is a combination of Web 2.0 and Web 3.0 that will enable users to “own their identity on the Internet” and “manage their data.” Both Web 3.0 and Web 5.0 envision an Internet free of censorship – whether from governments or big tech – and free of significant outages. It’s about transforming an individual’s “control of identity” and providing users control over their own data; for example, it’s entirely up to the user whether to save his data anonymously encrypted on the decentralised blockchain or to sell that data to vendors for monetization and advertising. What are the Problems with Web 5.0? There are few consequences for this technology in the near future because it is still a concept in its early stages, and no one knows how it will turn out. How the sovereign government would allow this decentralised platform free of government intrusion could lead to conflict between the government and Web 5.0 supporters. There is still uncertainty about how the system will work, who will regulate it, and what safety scenarios exist for vulnerable people such as women, children, and the elderly. The Way Forward Both the government and the promotional sides require a proper blueprint and policy. The effectiveness in the real world must be evaluated. Individual privacy should be prioritised over the necessity for personal data security. It should not become yet another instrument for venture capitalists to manipulate the platform for their personal gain, making a mockery of the political system in the process. The government should establish a regulatory authority to oversee these new and emerging technologies.

Daily News 18-June-2022

Indian Economy Linking Credit Cards With UPI GS Paper – 2,3 Government Policies & Interventions, Mobilization of Resources, Growth & Development. Why in the news? The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has proposed that credit cards be linked to the Unified Payments Interface (UPI) network. A credit card is a financial instrument issued by banks that has a predetermined credit limit and allows for cashless transactions. It allows cardholders to pay a merchant for products and services based on the amount of debt she has accumulated. This is meant to increase user convenience and broaden the scope of Digital Payments. What exactly is the Unified Payment Interface? About: It is a more advanced form of Immediate Payment Service (IMPS), a 24-hour funds transfer service that makes cashless payments faster, easier, and smoother. UPI is a system that integrates several bank accounts into a single mobile app (of any participating bank), combining several banking features, smooth fund routing, and merchant payments under one umbrella. UPI is now the most popular of the National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI)-managed systems, which include the National Automated Clearing House (NACH), Immediate Payment Service (IMPS), Aadhaar enabled Payment System (AePS), Bharat Bill Payment System (BBPS), RuPay, and others. Credit Card and UPI must be linked: With over 26 crore unique users and five crore businesses on the network, UPI has become a popular way of payment in India over time. In May 2022, the interface completed over 594 crore transactions totaling Rs 10.4 lakh crore. At the moment, the UPI supports transactions by connecting savings/current accounts via debit cards. What is the Importance of the Change? Additional Payment Options: The arrangement is expected to give clients with an extra payment option, increasing convenience. Credit Card Use Will Rise: It will broaden credit card acceptance and usage. Given UPI’s widespread adoption, credit card usage is expected to skyrocket in India. Credit Building Opportunities on UPI: It opens new opportunities to establish credit on UPI through credit cards in India, where a number of firms such as Slice, Uni, One, and others have developed in recent years. Increase Transactions at More Merchant Websites: It is anticipated that it would increase transactions and acceptance at additional merchant sites. People who want to pay by credit card in order to benefit from a longer pay-back period or loans on credit-card outstanding, or who do not want to touch their savings at the time of purchase, can do so using UPI. Increase overall spending: The change will significantly increase overall credit card spending – now, credit card spending is more than double that of debit card spending. More spending is a force multiplier for the economy in general. Increase the average monetary value of financial transactions: This approach is likely to affect the average ticket size of financial transactions in addition to speeding up digital transactions. Currently, the average ticket size per transaction is Rs 1,600, whereas credit cards have a ticket limit of Rs 4,000. As a result of the new change, researchers predict that the UPI transaction ticket size will rise to between Rs 3,000 and Rs 4,000. What are the Obstacles? It is unclear how the Merchant Discount Rate (MDR) will be applied to credit card UPI transactions. The MDR is a fee levied by a merchant’s issuing bank for taking credit and debit card payments from customers. According to a rule that has been in place since January 2020, UPI and RuPay are subject to zero-MDR, which means that no fees are levied on these transactions. The availability of zero-MDR on UPI may possibly be one of the reasons why other card networks, such as Visa and Mastercard, have not yet been onboarded to UPI for credit cards.

Daily News 17-June-2022

ODOP: Handicraft Sector GS Paper – 2 Government Policies & Interventions, Growth & Development. Why in the news? The Ministry of Textiles has opened the ‘Lota Shop’ inside the National Crafts Museum in New Delhi. Central Cottage Industries Corporation of India Limited (CCIC), also known as the Central Cottage Industries Emporium, opened the shop. It exhibits beautiful handcrafted curios, souvenirs, handicrafts, and fabrics based on traditional Indian artisan traditions. The administration also underlined its commitment to ‘One District, One Product,’ which will boost the handicraft and artisan sectors. What exactly is the One District One Product? About: The Ministry of Food Processing Industries launched the ‘One District, One Product’ (ODOP) programme to assist districts in reaching their full potential, fostering economic and socio-cultural progress, and creating employment possibilities, particularly in rural areas. It was started by the Uttar Pradesh government in January 2018 and, due to its success, was later adopted by the Central Government. This effort is carried out in conjunction with the Directorate General of Foreign Trade (DGFT), Department of Commerce’s ‘Districts as Exports Hub’ initiative. The ‘Districts as Exports Hub’ initiative gives financial and technical aid to district level companies so that small-scale industries can be helped and local people can be employed. Objectives: Its goal is to identify, promote, and brand a product from a specific district. To promote the product in which the district specialises in order to convert every district in India into an export powerhouse. It intends to achieve this via scaling production, supporting local firms, discovering prospective overseas clients, and so on, so contributing to the realisation of the ‘Atmanirbhar Bharat’ goal. What is the state of India’s handicraft industry? About: Handicrafts are objects made by hand with simple tools rather than employing mass manufacturing processes and machinery. While handicrafts are quite similar to basic arts and crafts, there is one significant difference. The products created as a consequence of the efforts are attractive in nature as well as developed for a specific function or usage. For decades, the handloom and handicraft industry has been the backbone of India’s rural economy. India manufactures woodware, art metal wares, handprinted fabrics, embroidered products, zari goods, imitation jewellery, sculptures, pottery, glassware, attars, agarbattis, and other items. Trade: India is one of the world’s largest exporters of handicrafts. The entire handicraft export from India, excluding handmade carpets, was USD 174.26 million in March 2022, an increase of 8% from February 2022. Total exports of Indian handicrafts were valued at USD 4.35 billion in 2021-22, a 25.7 percent increase over the previous year. The Sector’s Importance: The largest source of employment: It is one of the major job creators after agriculture, providing a vital source of income for the country’s rural and urban populations. Handicraft is one of the most important industries in India, employing around seven million people. Eco-Friendly: The industry is well known for being a pioneer of environmentally friendly zero-waste methods and operates on a self-sustaining business model, with craftspeople often growing their own raw materials. Challenges: Artisans confront problems such as a lack of capital, a lack of technological penetration, a lack of market information, and a weak institutional foundation for growth. Furthermore, the sector is afflicted by the underlying contradiction of handmade items, which are often at conflict with manufacturing scale. What Factors Encourage Sector Growth? Government Schemes: The national government is actively working to grow the industry so that it can reach its full potential. Several plans and initiatives are being implemented to assist artisans in overcoming the obstacles they encounter. The Emergence of Dedicated Trade Platforms: Few platforms, such as Craftezy, have developed to assist Indian craftsmen in gaining awareness in domestic and global markets. These worldwide handicraft trade platforms provide a free supplier induction procedure and strive to give the global market an orderly appearance. Using Technology to Promote Inclusion: Technology that allows people to communicate across borders has proven to be a godsend to the handcraft sector. E-commerce has given seamless access to consumer goods, enabling inclusive growth because all manufacturers from any area of the world can present their items through these online platforms. Even social media platforms are assisting in the global marketing of Indian handicrafts. Imports vs. Exports: Over the previous five years, exports of Indian handicrafts have increased by more than 40%, with three-fourths of all handicrafts exported. Indian handicrafts are heavily exported to over a hundred nations, with the United States alone accounting for around one-third of India’s handicraft exports. Changes in Artisan Behavior: To increase their revenue, artists learn new skills and develop goods that match changing market demands. As a result of the introduction of technology and the comfort it brings to their table, there is a substantial change in the behaviours of handcraft vendors and customers. What are the Government Initiatives Involved? Ambedkar Hastshilp Vikas Yojana: To assist artisans with infrastructural, technology, and human resource development requirements. The goal of mobilising craftspeople into self-help groups and societies with the goal of facilitating bulk manufacturing and economies in raw material purchase. Mega Cluster Plan: This scheme’s goals include job creation and raising craftsmen’ living standards. This programme takes a cluster-based strategy to growing infrastructure and production chains at handicraft centres, particularly those in rural areas. Marketing Assistance and Services Scheme: This scheme offers interventions for domestic marketing events to artisans in the form of financial assistance to help them organise and participate in trade fairs and exhibitions around the country and overseas. Scheme for Research and Development: This effort was launched to collect feedback on the economic, social, aesthetic, and promotional elements of crafts and craftsmen in the sector, with the goal of assisting in the implementation of the aforementioned plans. National Development Program for Handicrafts: Surveys, design and technology upgrades, human resource development, insurance and credit facilities for artisans, R&D, infrastructure development, and marketing support activities are all significant components of this programme. Comprehensive Cluster Development Scheme for Handicrafts: This scheme’s approach is to scale up infrastructure and the

Daily News 08-June-2022

India’s COVID-19 vaccination coverage has crossed 194.41 Crore. President Ram Nath Kovind has said that in order to achieve the larger goals, improving the quality of institutions of higher learning is of vital importance. Inaugurating the two-day Conference of Vice-Chancellors of Central Universities and Directors of Institutions of National Importance at Rashtrapati Bhavan. Prime Minister Modi to inaugurate Biotech Startup Expo – 2022 in New Delhi on Thursday. India Meteorological Department (IMD) issues orange alert for some of the Northern parts of the country over the heatwave condition Union Minister of State for Personnel Dr Jitendra Singh interacted and felicitated first 20 All India Toppers of Civil Services Exam 2021 who called on him at the Department of Personnel and Training headquarters in New Delhi, on 07 June, Civil Aviation Minister Jyotiraditya Scindia announced first-ever National Air Sports Policy-2022 in New Delhi. The objective of this policy is to include India among the top air sporting nations by 2030. It is also aimed at providing a safe, affordable and sustainable air sports ecosystem in the country. Eleven air sports including Aerobatics, Ballooning, Gliding, Parachuting, Powered aircraft and Rotorcraft will be promoted through this policy. Home Minister Amit Shah inaugurates new building of National Tribal Research Institute in New Delhi. He said it will play a crucial role in tribal development. ANDHRA PRADESH’S ruling YSRCP has hired political strategist Prashant Kishor’s Indian Political Action Committee (I-PAC) for a second time ahead of 2024 state Assembly polls, a party leader has confirmed. BIHAR : Union Minister Nitin Gadkari inaugurates and lays foundation stones of 15 National Highway projects in Patna and Hajipur in Bihar. J&K : Three Lashkar-e-Taiba terrorists, including two Pakistani were eliminated by security forces in seperate encounters in North Kashmir. KARNATKA : PM Modi to lay foundation stone for Bengaluru Suburban Rail Project on June 20. The 15,000- crore rupee project will connect Bengaluru city with its suburbs through a Rail-based rapid transit system. Dubbed as India’s most integrated Rail project, it is likely to be completed by 2026. The network will span over 148 kilometres with 57 stations. A suspected Hizbul Mujahideen terrorist has been arrested from Bengaluru’s Okalipuram in a joint operation by Jammu and Kashmir Police and Indian Army’s Rashtriya Rifles. According to officials, the accused had been living in the city for past two years. The Uppinangady Govt First Grade College management suspended 23 girl students, who staged a protest demanding permission to wear hijab inside classrooms last week. The Karnataka High Court in March stated that the hijab isn’t an essential religious practice in Islam, making it mandatory for everyone to wear uniforms provided by the educational institutions. KERALA : The prime accused in Kerala gold smuggling case, Swapna Suresh, on Tuesday claimed CM Pinarayi Vijayan, his wife Kamala and daughter Veena were involved in the scam. Suresh further said Vijayan’s additional private secretary CM Raveendran, then Principal Secretary Nalini Netto and then minister KT Jaleel were also involved. RAJASTHAN , Border Security Force has arrested four persons with 3 and a half KG of heroin from the international border in the Shri Ganganagar district. The Rajasthan Police has sent a notice to BJP MLA Chandrakanta Meghwal in a five-year-old assault case. Meghwal, who represents the Keshoraipatan assembly constituency. TELANGANA : Coin Exhibition inaugurated in Hyderabad as part of ‘Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav’ celebrations. Chairman and Managing Director of India Government Mint Tripti Patra Ghosh said, the exhibition reflects about 120 years of the history of the region as well as the nation. An AIMIM MLA’s son has been named as an accused in the gangrape case of a minor girl in a car in Hyderabad, police said on Tuesday. All accused, including one adult and five minors, are in police custody. UTTAR PRADESH : Police have arrested 12 more people in connection with Kanpur violence, taking the total number of arrests made to 50, an official said. Violence erupted in parts of Kanpur on Friday in protest against “insulting comments” on Prophet Muhammad. FINANCE USD ₹77.61💷 GBP ₹97.79BSE Sensex 55,107.34NIFTY : 16,416.35 Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman reviewed the progress in setting up of the National Asset Reconstruction Company Limited (NARCL). It is the special purpose Asset Reconstruction Company for taking over the large value NPA accounts above 500 crore rupees from the banks. The World Bank on Tuesday cut India’s FY23 economic growth forecast to 7.5% from 8% estimated earlier in April. It cut the forecast due to “headwinds from rising inflation, supply chain disruptions, and geopolitical tensions offsetting buoyancy in the recovery of services consumption from the pandemic”. World Bank had trimmed the projection for India from 8.7% to 8% in April. ENTERTAINMENT Sidharth Malhotra -Rashmika Mandanna starrer Mission Majnu will now release on June 10, 2022. Sidharth Malhotra is playing the role of a RAW agent who leads a covert operation in Pakistan. The movie also marks the Bollywood debut of South sensation Rashmika Mandanna. The movie will now clash with Kiara Advani and Vicky Kaushal”s Govinda Naam Mera DEFENCE The Ministry of Defence has issued three separate notifications amending the rules of the Army, the Navy and the Air Force for the appointment of the next Chief of Defence Staff CDS. Includes serving or retired three-star Army Lt General, Air Marshal and Vice Admiral for the post. Serving Three-star officers Lieutenant General in Army, Air Marshal in Air Force and Vice-Admiral in Navy or retired Sevice Chiefs or three-star officers can be appointed Chief of Defence Staff if considered necessary in the public interest. ✈️ INTERNATIONAL NEWS The three-nation tour of Vice President M. Venkaiah Naidu to Gabon, Senegal and Qatar ended as he departed for New Delhi from Doha on 07 June. Vice President M. Venkaiah Naidu reiterates, India’s commitment to strengthen ties with Qatar. Union Minister of Commerce and Industry Piyush Goyal has said, the government will hold negotiations at the World Trade Organization (WTO) to protect the interests of the country’s fishermen. UP-born billionaire Gupta brothers

Daily News 07-June-2022

After ‘fat finger’ trade, NSE cautions brokers against executing non-genuine trades A ‘fat finger’ trade on the National Stock Exchange’s (NSE) derivatives section may have resulted in a loss of Rs 200-250 crore to a brokerage house. This could be the largest trading blunder in the history of the home market. The most important stock exchange , National Stock Exchange (NSE) has issued a warning to stock brokers about fulfilling orders that appear to be non-genuine, which could cause a departure in the regular price discovery process Religious conversion, unless forced, is not prohibited: Delhi HC Recently, a bench of the Delhi High Court in a response to a petition regarding religious conversion in India held that a religious conversion, unless forced, is not prohibited as every person has the right guaranteed under the Constitution to choose or profess any religion. Keep ESZ of 1 km around forests: SC The Supreme Court directed that every protected area, national park and wildlife sanctuary across the country should have a mandatory eco-sensitive zone (ESZ) of a minimum one km starting from their demarcated boundaries. Gecko found in Andhra, Odisha turns out to be a new species A gecko discovered in Visakhapatnam in 2017 was previously assumed to be a member of a known species, but it has now been classified as a new species. It was identified as Eublepharis pictus, after a phylogenetic analysis and morphological comparisons. It appears to be prevalent in the forests of Andhra Pradesh and Odisha. They are also called Painted Leopard Gecko. Supreme Court objects to frivolous PIL petitions Recently, a Supreme Court bench of justice B.R. Gavai and Hima Kohli initially asked the litigant to pay ₹18 lakh, that is, ₹1 lakh for every one of the 18 minutes the case took up. However, the court later, in its order, slashed the amount to ₹2 lakh on the request of the litigant’s counsel.