Daily News 22-June-2022

Gaps in Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework GS Paper – 3 Environmental Pollution & Degradation, Government Policies & Interventions, International Treaties & Agreements, Important International Institutions. Why in the news? According to a group of environmental scientists, ecologists, and policy specialists, the draught of the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework does not account for the entirety of […]

Daily News 21-June-2022

Table of Contents: GS Paper 2: 1. India gives emergency visas for 111 Afghan Hindus, Sikhs 2. Election Commission wants people to run from one seat 3. India and Bangladesh should work on river management 4. What west Seti Power Project can mean for India-Nepal ties GS Paper 3: 1. Major outcomes achieved at WTO […]

Daily News 20-June-2022

WEB 5.0 GS Paper – 3 IT & Computers Why in the news? Former Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey has revealed his concept for a new decentralised web platform called Web 5.0, which aims to give individuals “control over data and identity.” It is being developed by The Block Head, a Bitcoin business unit founded by […]

Daily News 18-June-2022

Indian Economy Linking Credit Cards With UPI GS Paper – 2,3 Government Policies & Interventions, Mobilization of Resources, Growth & Development. Why in the news? The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has proposed that credit cards be linked to the Unified Payments Interface (UPI) network. A credit card is a financial instrument issued by banks […]

Daily News 17-June-2022

ODOP: Handicraft Sector GS Paper – 2 Government Policies & Interventions, Growth & Development. Why in the news? The Ministry of Textiles has opened the ‘Lota Shop’ inside the National Crafts Museum in New Delhi. Central Cottage Industries Corporation of India Limited (CCIC), also known as the Central Cottage Industries Emporium, opened the shop. It […]

Daily News 08-June-2022

India’s COVID-19 vaccination coverage has crossed 194.41 Crore. President Ram Nath Kovind has said that in order to achieve the larger goals, improving the quality of institutions of higher learning is of vital importance. Inaugurating the two-day Conference of Vice-Chancellors of Central Universities and Directors of Institutions of National Importance at Rashtrapati Bhavan. Prime Minister […]

Daily News 07-June-2022

After ‘fat finger’ trade, NSE cautions brokers against executing non-genuine trades A ‘fat finger’ trade on the National Stock Exchange’s (NSE) derivatives section may have resulted in a loss of Rs 200-250 crore to a brokerage house. This could be the largest trading blunder in the history of the home market. The most important stock […]